ANXIETY - Short Film
We think that being well should be what we strive to relate to! That mental health and wellness should be more prevalent in today's cultural climate.
Chris, 20
Maddi, 15
Red Deer
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Used with permission from M. Smigiel
You have the ability to change your behaviour and see how those changes filter down to create a better life for yourself.
Are you ready?
All pictures courtesy of
Many people know me as the person who laughs, smiles and jokes. But not many people know me as the person with a mental health condition. The reason for that is that there is no way of telling if somebody has a mental health condition.
All pictures courtesy of
Here’s the thing. People with anxiety are not paper dolls. They won’t snap in half if you even so much as breathe in their direction – so why are people with anxiety still treated as though there’s something wrong with them?
Whether you want to talk to a counsellor face to face or you'd prefer to chat online, there are several resources out there for you to use!
Ellie, 16
Jonathan, 17
All pictures courtesy of
All pictures courtesy of
When I first started battling with my mental health, I thought the mental illness would be the hardest thing to deal with - little did I know that other people’s reactions to said mental illness would make the battle into a war. Ultimately it feels like an attack on you, as your illness is part of who you are. In reality, it’s due to a lack of understanding.
At school, while I had a few friends, I often struggled to connect with people. This was mainly down to my parents disapproving of my friends, which led to me isolating myself. I started to sink into deep depression. I didn’t understand how I felt at the time and I did not feel able to talk about my battles with depression and anxiety, so I put my problems down to general school worries and teenage hormones.